San Joaquin County Office of Education - EDJOIN Portal

Red Bluff Union Elementary Sch Dist

1755 Airport Blvd.   Red Bluff, CA   96080-4514

Red Bluff Union Elementary School District OUR MISSION The Mission of the Red Bluff Union Elementary School District is to create and maintain an environment that ensures all students reach a high level of academic achievement as determined by state and district standards. We commit to a comprehensive system of support to assure this outcome. DISTRICT GOALS District Goal 1: Ensure all students will perform at or near grade level standard or higher as measured by assessments, particularly in reading and math, at the end of each school year. We recognize a number of exceptional needs students must be challenged and assisted to achieve at an individually determined and appropriate level. District Goal 2: RBUESD will provide an environment that is welcoming and engaging for students, parents, staff and the community. District Goal 3: The district will strengthen the engagement between home, school, and community by enhancing relationships and empowering families to be proactive in their children’s education on a continuous basis.

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