San Joaquin County Office of Education - EDJOIN Portal

Whittier City School District

7211 S. Whittier Ave.   Whittier, CA   90602-1123

Welcome to the Whittier City School District, a Transitional Kindergarten through 8th grade school district with eight elementary schools, two middle schools, and one K-8 school. We serve approximately 6,300 students who matriculate into the Whittier Union High School District. Whittier City School District offers advanced technology programs, including 1:1 devices, Apple TV, and innovative instruction to support all students. Whittier City School District is one of seven local districts that join together in a Special Education Cooperative (SELPA) serving Whittier area special needs students. The Board and community support the Visual and Performing Arts, including music and art teachers at every school. Whittier puts "Students First. Every Decision - Every Day.

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