Red Hill Lutheran School
13200 Red Hill Avenue Tustin, CA 92780
Mission and Philosophy MISSION STATEMENT Reach and serve our local community, Equip their hearts, minds and souls, and Release them into the world to share God’s love. PURPOSE STATEMENT MISSION To develop, nurture, and equip students to positively impact their world for Jesus Christ through a Bible-based, well-balanced education. PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION All students are blessed with unique gifts, talents, and abilities... Red Hill Lutheran School seeks to influence students toward a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Recognizing that all students learn differently and possess unique God-given greatness, the faculty and staff at Red Hill Lutheran School are committed to individualizing learning activities while also maintaining high standards and expectations. RELIGIOUS BELIEF POLICY Red Hill Lutheran School (RHLS) is an outreach ministry of Red Hill Lutheran Church. RHLS welcomes students and families from a variety of Christian denominations and religious backgrounds. As a Lutheran Church, RHLS believes, teaches, and confesses the unchanging truth of Holy Scripture, subscribes to the Lutheran Confessions as true expositions of the Word of God, and professes the Christian faith as described in our Statement of Faith. Red Hill Lutheran Church and School is a member of Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ (LCMC), an association of Biblically and confessionally orthodox Lutheran Churches. Students, parents, or family members who do not share these beliefs and practices agree to communicate their concerns in a manner that does not lead to division or disruption to the school day, the classroom setting, and the normal operation of the school or the school community. Students, parents, or family members who disagree, in whole or in part, with the fundamental beliefs of RHLS, also agree not to behave and/or promote behavior or doctrinal positions contrary to these beliefs and practices on campus, at school sponsored events, or in any media form identified with RHLS. STATEMENT OF FAITH As a Lutheran Church and School, we ascribe to the ancient creeds of the historical Christian Church: the Apostles', Nicene, and Athanasian Creeds. From these statements of faith, we believe, confess, and teach: ABOUT GOD: We believe in one God, eternally existing in three persons--Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; co-eternal in being, co-eternal in nature, co-equal in power and glory, having the same attributes an
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