Principal, El Cerrito High School at West Contra Costa Unified School District
Job Description / Essential Elements:
West Contra Costa Unified School District
Primary Function:
Serves as the educational leader and chief executive of the school. Responsible for the organization and administration of the school, direction of the instructional program, operation of the school plant, participation in staff and student activities; and exercising leadership in the community.
Directly Responsible to
Appropriate Area Director.
Shall supervise and evaluate assigned certificated and classified staff.
Major Responsibilities
1. Assumes primary responsibility for positive and effective relationships among staff, students, and parents. Specific functions include development of school philosophy; goals and objectives; supervision and support of student athletics and activities; sensitivity and responsiveness to individual problems and concerns (staff/student/parent); recognition of student and staff accomplishments.
2. Provides direct supervision over the vice-principals, deans, teachers, counselors, librarians, clerical personnel, security personnel, part-time, and volunteer personnel. Provides on-site supervision of custodians, cafeteria personnel and other individuals working on the campus on a regular or occasional basis.
3. Establishes and maintains sensitive and mutually beneficial relationships with the community. Specific functions include, but are not limited to, the nurture and support of the PTSA, parent clubs, and other volunteer groups; the organization of “back-to-school nights,” open house and other activities that invite the community to visit the school; the utilization of community and parental resources for the benefit of the school’s programs and activities; and the utilization of the school’s facilities and resources for the benefit of the community. The principal is to be a visible and active leader in the school’s community.
4. Develop and maintains an effective communication system. Specific functions include development of staff and student bulletins; development and distribution of parent newsletters; maintenance of effective liaison communication with district line and staff personnel; preparation and follow-through of scheduled meetings with all segments of the school population and interfacing programs; and effective communication with news media.
5. Manages resources including revenues and expenditures, personnel, facilities and equipment and special programs. Specific functions include development and supervision of the school budget; development of a school management plan; and supervision of buildings and grounds.
Major Responsibilities (Continued)
6. Manages all the other administration processes relevant to the operations of a high school including but not limited to, the supervision of student records, establishment and implementation of emergency procedures; determination of staffing needs to provide optimum services; selection, motivation, supervision and evaluation of personnel; development and implementation of the master schedule; management of employer/employee contracts; supervision of supplies, textbooks and equipment inventories; supervision of record keeping (attendance, time cards, purchase orders, invoices, accident reports); and coordination of student services provided by off-campus district service units.
7. Develops and maintains an effective, multi- faceted curriculum, both academic and extra-curricular. Specific functions include development and supervision of course offerings, assuring compliance with district and state requirements; classroom observation and evaluation of teachers; planning to meet changing needs of students; articulation with special services and feeder schools; leadership, enlisting cooperative school-wide efforts by staff and students; development and implementation of the master schedule; and development and implementation of a wide variety of extra-curricular programs for student enrichment (i.e., music, drama, athletics, yearbook, school newspaper, student government, etc.).
8. Provides for assessment of student progress, achievement and behavior and provides assistance for positive student growth, social and academic. Specific functions include implementation of district and state testing requirements; development of well defined programs, to assist students to develop their full potential as well as meet graduation requirements; establishment of standards of acceptable student behavior and pupil control measures; supervision of the recording and monitoring of student attendance; and establishment and supervision of effective student discipline procedures.
9. Is responsible for being knowledgeable and current relative to district, state, and federal policies, laws and regulations as they relate to the school and its programs so that he/she can accurately interpret them to others as well as apply then in the daily operation of the school. Specific functions include ongoing review and synthesis of district policies, procedures, state and federal laws and legislative bills; establishment of legally based school policies and procedures for all aspects of the school’s functions; and coordination with the district, other schools, county, state and federal agencies with effective interaction with personnel from each.
10. Has primary site-level responsibility for utilizing school and district resources to maintain a high quality of instruction within the school. Specific functions include establishment and maintenance of relevant goals and objectives with annual evaluations; identification of instructional needs and deficiencies, with in-service training plans to meet needs; supervision of classroom instruction; evaluation and accountability of employees; and promotion of joint efforts to promote staff job satisfaction.
11. Is responsible for keeping abreast of trends, policies, procedures, practices and laws that affect the school and its constituents. Growth experiences may include attendance at conferences and workshops; membership in professional associations; attendance at pertinent school board meetings; ongoing reading of professional publications; and participation in district assignments and problem-solving experiences.
12. Is responsible for being knowledgeable about learning theories, human needs, curriculum development, motivation theory, school finance and budgeting, collective bargaining, staff organizational theories and the supervision of personnel.
13. Is responsible for being skilled in effective communications, including initiating individual and group discussion, listening, clarifying and facilitating interaction among group members.
Major Responsibilities (Continued)
Specific functions include verbal skills to communicate effectively with a wide variety of people with varying educational and sociocultural backgrounds research, reading, public speaking, writing skills to effectively convey ideas, reports, letters, memoranda and survey questionnaires; understanding of goal-setting techniques, including needs assessment and evaluation; high degree of self-restraint, judgment and strategies in dealing with a variety of people, adversaries and advocates under varying situations and conditions; high degree of skill in defining problems, collecting information, establishing facts, evaluating alternative solutions and drawing valid conclusions; and effective screening of applicants through job related interviews.
14. Is responsible for establishing procedures to insure that effective inter-group relations and affirmative action policies prevail at the school.
15. Is responsible for utilizing all available personnel and resources in order to provide an effective and comprehensive counseling/guidance program which is articulated within the school and within the district and which provides articulation with the world of work and other educational institutions.
16. Administers the provisions of the collectively bargained contracts.
17. Performs other duties as assigned.
Knowledge and skills:
1. Ability to exhibit the qualities of leadership essential to the successful administration of a high school.
2. Ability to work with pupils and adults in a supervisory capacity.
3. Ability to exercise good judgment and tact.
4. Ability to cope with emergency situations.
5. Knowledge of the basic elements of instruction.
6. Knowledge of effective employee supervision and evaluation procedures and techniques.
7. Knowledge of curriculum concepts and material pertinent to high school education.
8. Ability to speak and write effectively.
9. Ability to work effectively with all segments of the educational community and general public.
Education, Training and Experience:
1. Post graduate work in school administration, curriculum and instruction or a related field.
2. Successful experience as a classroom teacher.
3. Progressively responsible experience in providing leadership in a school or district setting.
4. Shall hold an appropriate school administrative credential.
Approved by the Human Resources Division.
Adopted by the Board of Education January 30, 1992
Requirements / Qualifications
Interested applicants must submit an application package on EdJoin.org. Applications must include the following: •Name, address, home phone, message or cell phone, e-mail address, current school site, and assignment •Letter of Interest, outlining qualifications, experience, and training that qualifies the applicant for the position •Current resume •Three (3) letters of recommendation (written within the last two years) •Three (3) additional references with phone numbers and e-mail addresses •Copies of teaching/services and administrative credentials This recruitment will be used to establish an eligibility list, which will be used to fill any vacancies. A panel will screen submitted applications, and those most qualified will be invited to an interview.
- Letter of Introduction
- Letter(s) of Recommendation
- Resume
- Administrative Services Credential
Requirements / Qualifications
Interested applicants must submit an application package on EdJoin.org. Applications must include the following: •Name, address, home phone, message or cell phone, e-mail address, current school site, and assignment •Letter of Interest, outlining qualifications, experience, and training that qualifies the applicant for the position •Current resume •Three (3) letters of recommendation (written within the last two years) •Three (3) additional references with phone numbers and e-mail addresses •Copies of teaching/services and administrative credentials This recruitment will be used to establish an eligibility list, which will be used to fill any vacancies. A panel will screen submitted applications, and those most qualified will be invited to an interview.
- Letter of Introduction
- Letter(s) of Recommendation
- Resume
- Administrative Services Credential