Daily Substitute Teachers at Roseland School District
About the Employer
Roseland Public Schools is located in the heart of beautiful Sonoma County. We serve students from preschool through high school in a safe and nurturing environment with high expectations for all students to be fully prepared for college and beyond. Roseland Public Schools reflects the community dream that all students will graduate from high school with options for college entrance and successful, productive careers. Our schools provide a safe, personalized environment that fosters a love for learning, leadership skills and success. Roseland Public Schools is positioned to be a model for excellence in public education, preschool through high school, affecting not only Roseland students but students throughout Sonoma County.
Job Summary
Job Summary
At the Roseland School District, we believe in supporting the whole child to provide a world-class education to all students. We believe that student success is truly possible when we, as a community, work together—we are committed to this. Together, we build on what is working well and address areas where there is room to grow. We invite you to learn more and be part of this work. We are hiring substitute teachers for the 2024-2025 school year and would like you to be part of our team. Rates for the 2024-2025 school year: Daily Rate: $235 (full day) / $125 (half day) Daily Rate for former district teachers or those who hold their California Preliminary or Clear Credential: $255 (full day) / $145 (half day) Daily Rate for substitute teaching in Special Day Classes: $255 (full day) / $145 (half day) Long Term Sub Rate (after 6 consecutive days in the same classroom): $300 (full day) /$150 (half day) Long term sub rate (after 30 consecutive days in the same classroom) for former district teachers or teachers who hold a California Preliminary or Clear Credential and are authorized for their specific assignment will be placed on the salary schedule Substitute teachers who complete a minimum amount of full time substitute teaching days as described below will receive the following longevity bonuses: 30 days of substitute teaching will receive $1200 60 days of substitute teaching will receive an additional $1300 90 days of substitute teaching will receive an additional $1500
Requirements / Qualifications
Required Documents: *Cleared 30-day sub certification through Sonoma County Office of Education (SCOE) *Completed Online Substitute Packet (District Website) ** Applications will only be processed once all required paperwork has been received, including the Edjoin and district application. Additionally the AB 2534 section must be completed. Please ensure that the contact information for each district's Human Resources department is included.
Requirements / Qualifications
Required Documents: *Cleared 30-day sub certification through Sonoma County Office of Education (SCOE) *Completed Online Substitute Packet (District Website) ** Applications will only be processed once all required paperwork has been received, including the Edjoin and district application. Additionally the AB 2534 section must be completed. Please ensure that the contact information for each district's Human Resources department is included.
Comments and Other Information
Roseland School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, religion, political affiliation, gender, mental or physical disability, sex orientation, genetics, or any other basis protected by federal, state or local law, ordinance or regulation, in its educational program(s) or employment. No person shall be denied employment solely because of any impairment which is unrelated to the ability to engage in activities involved in the position(s) or program for which application has been made. If you need a reasonable accommodation to participate in the hiring process, the district will provide you with one upon notice. The following person(s) has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Maria Lease, Human Resources Manager, 1691 Burbank Ave, Santa Rosa, CA 95407, 707-545-0102, Fax: 707-545-5096, mlease@roselandsd.org
Comments and Other Information
Roseland School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, religion, political affiliation, gender, mental or physical disability, sex orientation, genetics, or any other basis protected by federal, state or local law, ordinance or regulation, in its educational program(s) or employment. No person shall be denied employment solely because of any impairment which is unrelated to the ability to engage in activities involved in the position(s) or program for which application has been made. If you need a reasonable accommodation to participate in the hiring process, the district will provide you with one upon notice. The following person(s) has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Maria Lease, Human Resources Manager, 1691 Burbank Ave, Santa Rosa, CA 95407, 707-545-0102, Fax: 707-545-5096, mlease@roselandsd.org