West Contra Costa Unified School District Logo

Spanish Teacher - Middle School - Starting School Year 2024-2025 at West Contra Costa Unified School District

Application Deadline

4/7/2024 12:00 AM Pacific

Date Posted
Thomas Scott
(510) 307-4616
Number of Openings
Pay Range
$58,572.72 - $119,756.51 Annually
Length of Work Year
Employment Type
Full Time
Job Description / Essential Elements:    Print   







Brief Description of Position

Assumes the position of teacher and related duties in one or more subjects in grades seven through twelve, as assigned.


Supervision Exercised or Received

Teachers serve under the immediate direction of the site administrator.


Major Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Develops and teaches skills and knowledge utilizing appropriate courses of study.
  2. Develops programs and instructional materials and provides individualized and group instruction in order to adapt the curriculum to the needs of each pupil.
  3. Evaluates pupil progress in courses being taught keeps appropriate records and reports student progress.
  4. With the assistance of available professional staff, identifies pupil needs and attempts to work toward the fulfillment of those needs.
  5. Establishes procedures and techniques for maintaining proper control to enhance learning.
  6. Creates and maintains a suitable learning environment.
  7. Performs reasonable non-teaching duties as assigned.


Other Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Maintains professional competence through participation in self-selected professional growth activities.
  2. Selects and requisitions books, instructional aids, equipment, and materials in accordance with District policy.
  3. May plan and coordinate work of student aides, teacher assistants, and other paraprofessionals.
  4. Participates in departmental activities.



Must possess appropriate California secondary teaching credential





Personnel/t 9-19-86



Requirements / Qualifications

Please submit an EdJoin application, letter of interest, current resume, copy of credential Clear, Preliminary or Intern Single Subject Credential or equivalent, copy of English Learner Authorization (CLAD or equivalent) copy of transcripts showing evidence of a BA degree, a copy of CBEST and CSET and 2-3 letters of recommendation.

  • Copy of Transcript
  • Letter of Introduction
  • Letter(s) of Recommendation
  • Resume

Requirements / Qualifications

Please submit an EdJoin application, letter of interest, current resume, copy of credential Clear, Preliminary or Intern Single Subject Credential or equivalent, copy of English Learner Authorization (CLAD or equivalent) copy of transcripts showing evidence of a BA degree, a copy of CBEST and CSET and 2-3 letters of recommendation.

  • Copy of Transcript
  • Letter of Introduction
  • Letter(s) of Recommendation
  • Resume

Comments and Other Information

Nondiscrimination Statement: The West Contra Costa Unified School District prohibits discrimination, intimidation, harassment (including sexual harassment), or bullying based on a person’s actual or perceived ancestry, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, immigration status, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or association with a person or a group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. For questions or complaints, contact Equity Compliance Officer/Title IX Coordinator: Jose Espinoza, 1108 Bissell Avenue, Richmond, CA 94801, (510) 231-1118, jespinoza2@wccusd.net and Section 504 Coordinator: Darlene Almeida, 1108 Bissell Avenue, Richmond, CA 94801, (510) 307-4535, dalmeida@wccud.net. Declaración de No Discriminación: El Distrito Escolar Unificado de West Contra Costa prohíbe la discriminación, la intimidación, el acoso (incluyendo el acoso sexual) o la intimidación en base a las características reales o percibidas de descendencia, color, discapacidad, género, identificación con un género determinado, expresión de pertenencia a un género, estado migratorio, nacionalidad, raza u origen étnico, además de sexo, orientación sexual o asociación con una persona o grupo de personas con una o más de estas características ya sean reales o percibidas. Para preguntas o quejas, comuníquese con el personal de la Oficial de Cumplimiento de la Equidad/Coordinadora del Título IX: Jose Espinoza, 1108 Bissell Avenue, Richmond, CA 94801, (510) 231-1118, jespinoza2@wccusd.net y con la Coordinadora de la Sección 504: Darlene Almeida, 1108 Bissell Avenue, Richmond, CA 94801, (510) 307-4535, dalmeida@wccusd.net.

Comments and Other Information

Nondiscrimination Statement: The West Contra Costa Unified School District prohibits discrimination, intimidation, harassment (including sexual harassment), or bullying based on a person’s actual or perceived ancestry, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, immigration status, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or association with a person or a group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. For questions or complaints, contact Equity Compliance Officer/Title IX Coordinator: Jose Espinoza, 1108 Bissell Avenue, Richmond, CA 94801, (510) 231-1118, jespinoza2@wccusd.net and Section 504 Coordinator: Darlene Almeida, 1108 Bissell Avenue, Richmond, CA 94801, (510) 307-4535, dalmeida@wccud.net. Declaración de No Discriminación: El Distrito Escolar Unificado de West Contra Costa prohíbe la discriminación, la intimidación, el acoso (incluyendo el acoso sexual) o la intimidación en base a las características reales o percibidas de descendencia, color, discapacidad, género, identificación con un género determinado, expresión de pertenencia a un género, estado migratorio, nacionalidad, raza u origen étnico, además de sexo, orientación sexual o asociación con una persona o grupo de personas con una o más de estas características ya sean reales o percibidas. Para preguntas o quejas, comuníquese con el personal de la Oficial de Cumplimiento de la Equidad/Coordinadora del Título IX: Jose Espinoza, 1108 Bissell Avenue, Richmond, CA 94801, (510) 231-1118, jespinoza2@wccusd.net y con la Coordinadora de la Sección 504: Darlene Almeida, 1108 Bissell Avenue, Richmond, CA 94801, (510) 307-4535, dalmeida@wccusd.net.