Goleta Union School District Logo

School Social Worker- 2023-2024 School Year at Goleta Union School District

Application Deadline

7/21/2023 11:55 PM Pacific

Date Posted
Irma Gomez
8056811200 2216
Number of Openings
Add'l Salary Info
$59,973 starting
Length of Work Year
185 days
Employment Type
Full Time

About the Employer

GUSD has a stimulating and challenging atmosphere with a capable, articulate and professional staff. Many teachers, classified employees, and administrators have enjoyed long careers with GUSD. The staff has developed a reputation for working with a diverse student population to develop individual student potential by providing high-quality instruction aligned with state standards and supported with 21st century learning skills. Core instruction includes comprehensive traditional academic subjects extended to include character development, digital literacy, art, music, hands-on science, and physical education. All schools offer embedded programs to address specific needs of gifted students and English Learners. Each school maintains a 1.0–1.5 full time positions to support intervention needs for all students. Each student in grades 3-6 has 1:1 access to Chromebooks. In grades K-2 there is one mobile digital device for every two students. All instructional environments include access to high speed wireless connectivity to the internet.

Job Summary

Job Summary

Under the direction of the Assistant Superintendent of Pupil Services, provide a wide range of service integration efforts and providers to enhance pupils' ability to define, work toward and reach their full academic and personal potential; perform culturally competent, bio-psychosocial assessments of pupils, their families, and their social and school environments; deliver a continuum of prevention and intervention opportunities, services, and supports to maximize positive academic, social, and emotional outcomes to pupils, their families, and to enhance the school community for all its members; use the basic methods of social work intervention, which may include counseling, crisis intervention, casework, group work, community organizing, consultation, case management, family therapy, and effective educational strategies; create and maintain linages and partnership with pupils, families, faculty and staff and the community; assess, design advocate for , and deliver direct and indirect services to culturally sensitive educational outcomes as the systemic level. These activities are based on knowledge of the mission and function of the school, school district and community, and how these systemic factors contribute to learning outcomes in both positive and negative ways.

Requirements / Qualifications

Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) Registered with the California Board of Behavioral Sciences. Valid California Driver's License Post Baccalaureate Degree consisting of a minimum of 45 semester units in a professional preparation program approved by the Commission on Teacher credentialing (CTC) and specializing in school social work, including practicum with school-aged children.

  • Letter of Introduction
  • Letter(s) of Reference (3)
  • Resume

  • Pupil Personnel Services Credential - School Social Work

Requirements / Qualifications

Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) Registered with the California Board of Behavioral Sciences. Valid California Driver's License Post Baccalaureate Degree consisting of a minimum of 45 semester units in a professional preparation program approved by the Commission on Teacher credentialing (CTC) and specializing in school social work, including practicum with school-aged children.

  • Letter of Introduction
  • Letter(s) of Reference (3)
  • Resume

  • Pupil Personnel Services Credential - School Social Work