ATTENTION: Important Notice


Tuolumne County Superintendent of Schools Logo

Certificated Substitute Teacher Consortium at Tuolumne County Superintendent of Schools

Application Deadline

6/30/2019 11:55 PM Pacific

Date Posted
Andi Thomas
Number of Openings
Not Specified
Add'l Salary Info
See attached Substitute Rate Schedule
Length of Work Year
As Needed Basis
Employment Type
Part Time

Requirements / Qualifications

Requirements / Qualifications

To begin the application process, you will need to complete the following: -Online EdJoin Application -Attach a copy of your current credential or CBEST Results -If you do not possess a current credential, you will need to order official transcripts that indicate you were awarded a bachelor's degree.

To be on the certificated substitute teacher list, you must have a valid California teaching credential or permit. If you need to apply for an Emergency Substitute Teaching permit, you will need a bachelor's degree AND a passing Basic Skills score. The County Superintendent Office will help you apply for your Substitute Teaching Permit with CTC.

      To begin the application process, you will need to complete the following: -Online EdJoin Application -Attach a copy of your current credential or CBEST Results -If you do not possess a current credential, you will need to order official transcripts that indicate you were awarded a bachelor's degree.

      To be on the certificated substitute teacher list, you must have a valid California teaching credential or permit. If you need to apply for an Emergency Substitute Teaching permit, you will need a bachelor's degree AND a passing Basic Skills score. The County Superintendent Office will help you apply for your Substitute Teaching Permit with CTC.

          Comments and Other Information

          We appreciate you interest in substitute teaching in Tuolumne County. Applying online through EdJoin begins your application process. When you have completed your application, we will be notified through EdJoin and will email you with further instructions.

          Comments and Other Information

          We appreciate you interest in substitute teaching in Tuolumne County. Applying online through EdJoin begins your application process. When you have completed your application, we will be notified through EdJoin and will email you with further instructions.