Director of University and Academic Guidance - St. Vincent High School - Petaluma at Diocese of Santa Rosa - Department of Catholic Schools
Requirements / Qualifications
Applicants are to upload: - Signed Diocese of Santa Rosa Code of Ethics/Pre-Application Statement - Letter of Interest - Resume - Contact List of References
Requirements / Qualifications
Applicants are to upload: - Signed Diocese of Santa Rosa Code of Ethics/Pre-Application Statement - Letter of Interest - Resume - Contact List of References
Comments and Other Information
The director of university and academic guidance reports to the Academic Dean /Dean of Faculty. Responsibilities include the following:
To assume responsibility for counseling students in grades 9 through12 (and their parents) in regard to the entire university selection, application and admission procedures.
To coordinate the program and calendar of all standardized testing for students including scheduling test dates, registering students, arranging for special "prep", scheduling outside SAT II/II, ACT and TOEFL professionals to advise our students,, administering the tests, and providing pre- and post-test counseling;
To oversee the various student award programs and ceremonies. Fall and Spring Award Ceremonies as well as graduation
To help the registrar keep accurate permanent records of students’ testing and academic work.
To develop the extensive summary reports on students’ progress on standardized testing to the school community as appropriate.
To conduct individual and group sessions in all areas of university advisement.
To write the school recommendation by the end of the junior year of upcoming seniors making application to college.
To oversee the faculty writing of the requested recommendations for students applying to post-secondary education.
To maintain and expand an attractive, informative and up-to-date University Center.
To oversee visits to colleges and from college representatives
Assist in scheduling NHS tutors
To represent the school at relevant state and national conferences and workshops.
Overseeing / managing a caseload of special education students and the implementation of their IEP/504 plans in: inclusive, self-contained and pull-out settings.
Ensuring appropriate delivery of both special education instruction and related services as stipulated on IEPs/504 plans.
Ensuring compliance by the school with all local and Federal laws and regulation relating to students with IEPs/504 plans and students referred to special education.
Ensuring that services provided by contractual personnel are of high quality, provided in the LRE, and are aligned with students’ IEPs/504 plans.
Effectively communicating to parents and guardians the special education process including process for referrals, evaluations, annual IEPs/504 plans, and re-evaluations as well as parental rights granted by IDEA.
Facilitating IEP meetings using a strengths based and family centered approach
Coordinating with student’s special education team to ensure all documents are completed in a timely manner (according to state, local, and school policies and procedures) prior to MDT meeting. Connect with special education team to ensure all team members (including parents) are prepared for the content of the meeting.
Schedule college counseling meetings for Seniors
Assist with Parent Education Nights
Assist Scheduler with Building of schedule for school year
Monitor Freshman and Sophomore Academic Progress
Introduce and Monitor Naviance Student Engagement, pre-college application
Collect and log Junior and Senior Community Service documents
Collect and document CSF application activity at beginning of semester I, II
Coordinating to complete quarterly IEP progress reports and provide quarterly IEP progress reports to parents/guardians.
Maintaining student files (paper and electronic) according to school and OSSE standards.
Providing training and technical assistance to, teachers, related service providers and support service professionals on all aspects of cases management: use of computer systems for the special education process, writing of goal writing, progress reports, annual reviews and parent communication.
Ensuring IEPs are developmentally appropriate, curriculum/standards -based, strength based and relevant to individual students.
Working to maintain school and LEA tracking and data system that includes: student information related to IEPs, services, service hours, evaluations, MDT referrals, time lines in which evaluations were competed and discipline incidents documented
Supporting the planning of special education initiative and the implementation of initiatives.
Integrates new developments, research findings and best practices into ongoing programs and new initiatives.
Overseeing special education inventory of equipment / materials.
Identifying and develops appropriate curriculum and school based assessments to support the academic growth of students with IEPs/504 plans.
Gathering and report data for all reporting requirements concerning students with IEPs/504 plans and other required
Maintaining a high level of knowledge regarding developing special education issues such as changes in federal and local special education policy.
Advocating for special education with school leadership.
Establishing and maintaining communication with parents of students in the program.
Facilitating workshops / meetings for parents, as well as identifies resources for parents of students with special needs.
Engaging parents and families in their student’s learning and acting as an ambassador for the school in the community.
As appropriate connecting with student’s outside providers, pediatricians, and therapists to support student’s needs in classroom.
Maintaining confidentiality of student records and student information
To perform other duties as assigned by the head of school.
To support the school and its leadership.
Masters in Counseling, PPS Credential
A minimum of 3 years of academic counseling experience at the middle school and or secondary level
Excellent written and communication skills
Able to meet deadlines and expectations of students and the administration
Able to work evenings and weekends
Comments and Other Information
The director of university and academic guidance reports to the Academic Dean /Dean of Faculty. Responsibilities include the following:
To assume responsibility for counseling students in grades 9 through12 (and their parents) in regard to the entire university selection, application and admission procedures.
To coordinate the program and calendar of all standardized testing for students including scheduling test dates, registering students, arranging for special "prep", scheduling outside SAT II/II, ACT and TOEFL professionals to advise our students,, administering the tests, and providing pre- and post-test counseling;
To oversee the various student award programs and ceremonies. Fall and Spring Award Ceremonies as well as graduation
To help the registrar keep accurate permanent records of students’ testing and academic work.
To develop the extensive summary reports on students’ progress on standardized testing to the school community as appropriate.
To conduct individual and group sessions in all areas of university advisement.
To write the school recommendation by the end of the junior year of upcoming seniors making application to college.
To oversee the faculty writing of the requested recommendations for students applying to post-secondary education.
To maintain and expand an attractive, informative and up-to-date University Center.
To oversee visits to colleges and from college representatives
Assist in scheduling NHS tutors
To represent the school at relevant state and national conferences and workshops.
Overseeing / managing a caseload of special education students and the implementation of their IEP/504 plans in: inclusive, self-contained and pull-out settings.
Ensuring appropriate delivery of both special education instruction and related services as stipulated on IEPs/504 plans.
Ensuring compliance by the school with all local and Federal laws and regulation relating to students with IEPs/504 plans and students referred to special education.
Ensuring that services provided by contractual personnel are of high quality, provided in the LRE, and are aligned with students’ IEPs/504 plans.
Effectively communicating to parents and guardians the special education process including process for referrals, evaluations, annual IEPs/504 plans, and re-evaluations as well as parental rights granted by IDEA.
Facilitating IEP meetings using a strengths based and family centered approach
Coordinating with student’s special education team to ensure all documents are completed in a timely manner (according to state, local, and school policies and procedures) prior to MDT meeting. Connect with special education team to ensure all team members (including parents) are prepared for the content of the meeting.
Schedule college counseling meetings for Seniors
Assist with Parent Education Nights
Assist Scheduler with Building of schedule for school year
Monitor Freshman and Sophomore Academic Progress
Introduce and Monitor Naviance Student Engagement, pre-college application
Collect and log Junior and Senior Community Service documents
Collect and document CSF application activity at beginning of semester I, II
Coordinating to complete quarterly IEP progress reports and provide quarterly IEP progress reports to parents/guardians.
Maintaining student files (paper and electronic) according to school and OSSE standards.
Providing training and technical assistance to, teachers, related service providers and support service professionals on all aspects of cases management: use of computer systems for the special education process, writing of goal writing, progress reports, annual reviews and parent communication.
Ensuring IEPs are developmentally appropriate, curriculum/standards -based, strength based and relevant to individual students.
Working to maintain school and LEA tracking and data system that includes: student information related to IEPs, services, service hours, evaluations, MDT referrals, time lines in which evaluations were competed and discipline incidents documented
Supporting the planning of special education initiative and the implementation of initiatives.
Integrates new developments, research findings and best practices into ongoing programs and new initiatives.
Overseeing special education inventory of equipment / materials.
Identifying and develops appropriate curriculum and school based assessments to support the academic growth of students with IEPs/504 plans.
Gathering and report data for all reporting requirements concerning students with IEPs/504 plans and other required
Maintaining a high level of knowledge regarding developing special education issues such as changes in federal and local special education policy.
Advocating for special education with school leadership.
Establishing and maintaining communication with parents of students in the program.
Facilitating workshops / meetings for parents, as well as identifies resources for parents of students with special needs.
Engaging parents and families in their student’s learning and acting as an ambassador for the school in the community.
As appropriate connecting with student’s outside providers, pediatricians, and therapists to support student’s needs in classroom.
Maintaining confidentiality of student records and student information
To perform other duties as assigned by the head of school.
To support the school and its leadership.
Masters in Counseling, PPS Credential
A minimum of 3 years of academic counseling experience at the middle school and or secondary level
Excellent written and communication skills
Able to meet deadlines and expectations of students and the administration
Able to work evenings and weekends