1.0 FTE Education Specialist (Mild/Moderate) Teacher 7-12 Grade at Black Oak Mine Unified
Job Description / Essential Elements:
• Possess a valid California Teaching Credential to teach Special Education classes.
• Adapts lessons for the purpose of implementing the IEP goals and meeting the special needs of identified high school students and informs appropriate staff with regard to necessary modifications and accommodations.
• Advises parents/legal guardians of student progress for the purpose of supporting teacher’s expectations, developing methods for improvement, reinforcing classroom goals in the home environment, and supporting students in completing graduation requirements, including the CAHSEE.
• Assesses student’s social needs (e.g. behavioral, motor development, communication, etc.) and academic needs (e.g. developmental level, vocational abilities, etc.) for the purpose of evaluating student and family requirements, secondary and post-secondary placement, and success of the program.
• Collaborates with school personnel, agencies and community agencies (e.g. social service agencies, caretakers, etc.) for the purpose of developing and modifying the program to maximize the quality of student outcomes, developing solutions and planning curriculum.
• Collaborates with appropriate staff and agencies to plan and support student transition plans.
• Directs instructional assistants, volunteers and/or student aides for the purpose of providing an effective high school program and addressing the needs of individual students.
• Instructs students with individualized special needs for the purpose of developing appropriate academic, interpersonal and daily living skills through a defined course of study.
• Manages high school student behavior for the purpose of providing a safe and an optimal learning environment.
• Prepares teaching materials and reports (e.g. grades, attendance, anecdotal records, lesson plans, etc.) for the purpose of implementing appropriate lessons and providing documentation of teacher and student progress.
• Understands and supports the special needs of high school students at all academic and behavioral levels.
Requirements / Qualifications
Copy of Transcripts; Resume; Credential; 3 letters of recommendation,.
Requirements / Qualifications
Copy of Transcripts; Resume; Credential; 3 letters of recommendation,.