RSP/SDC Teacher (Mod/Severe) at Menifee Union School District
Job Description / Essential Elements:
Under general supervision, serves as a classroom teacher of exceptional students ingrades K through 8 or a combination thereof; and as a member of the IndividualEducation Program Planning Team; participates in decisions regarding placement ofexceptional students; creates a flexible program and environment favorable to learningand personal growth in accordance with each student’s ability.
Under the supervision of the school site administrator, provides an educational programfor learning handicapped students.
Generally teaches all subjects appropriate to the individual student’s needs as indicatedon the Individualized Education Program (IEP); provides frequent, intensive andindividually planned small group and/or individual instruction in areas of need;participates in Individualized Education Programs (IEP) meetings; establishes with theparent, the goals, objectives, activities and materials appropriate for that student within agiven time frame and records same on the Individualized Education Program (IEP);participates in the annual and three year review; monitors and records progress towardobjectives; establishes an ongoing evaluation procedure; plans and implements aninstructional program for identified students based on the needs reflected in theIndividualized Education Program (IEP) on a pull-out and in class basis; assesses studentprogress; assists in student identification process; serves as case carrier in the preparationfor the IEP meeting at the school site level; serves as a resource in the area of learninghandicapped for all school staff; maintains a communication system with regularteachers, auxiliary personnel (psychologist, nurse, speech specialist, parents and otherSpecial Education teachers); integrates the program for students with learning disorderswith the total educational program of each assigned school; provides appropriate physicaland psychological environment to establish and reinforce acceptable behavior, attitudes,social skills and self-image, adheres to district policy as stated in governing board policy;maintains professional competency by participating in in-District and other staffdevelopment activities; performs other duties as assigned.
Knowledge of:Various learning handicaps and strategies for amelioration;Appropriate materials and resources to be used with specific deficiencies at the variousgrade levels;Appropriate assessment tools for diagnosis and screening;Special Education Master Plan;Teaching and learning processes;Creating productive classroom culture which places strong emphasis on children’s socialand academic development;Child growth and developmentAbility to:Interact effectively with staff, parents, students and community agencies;Clearly communicate orally and in writing;Accept criticism and grow as a result;Demonstrate exceptional interpersonal skills.
Education:Bachelor’s degree or higher from an accredited college or university including all coursesneeded to meet requirements in the Learning Handicapped area.
Experience:Successful teaching experience, internship, or student teaching in the area of specialeducation.
Valid California teaching credential authorizing service in the areas assigned.
Approved by the Governing Boardof the Menifee Union School District: September 28, 1993Revised: June 24, 2003
Requirements / Qualifications
Valid California Credential authorizing service in the position Interested applicants are required to submit a Talent Ed online application and the following attachments prior to the application deadline: Letter of Introduction, Resume, Copy of Credential(s), Copy of Transcripts, and 3 Letters of Recommendation. Those applicants evidencing the best qualifications will be invited for an interview evaluation. All candidates will be notified following final selection of personnel. All applications are reviewed and it is not necessary for applicants to contact us to review their application. ** COPIES OF DOCUMENTS SUBMITTED MUST BE LEGIBLE **Failure to attach the required documents will cause you to be screened out. Documents received in person, via email or fax, and/or after the deadline will not be considered.
Menifee Union School District provides equal opportunity in employment without regard to race, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, physical handicap, medical condition, sexual orientation, marital status, age, gender expression, gender identity, and gender in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and Menifee Union School District policy. A physical examination and drug screen may be required of all finalists before employment.
Requirements / Qualifications
Valid California Credential authorizing service in the position Interested applicants are required to submit a Talent Ed online application and the following attachments prior to the application deadline: Letter of Introduction, Resume, Copy of Credential(s), Copy of Transcripts, and 3 Letters of Recommendation. Those applicants evidencing the best qualifications will be invited for an interview evaluation. All candidates will be notified following final selection of personnel. All applications are reviewed and it is not necessary for applicants to contact us to review their application. ** COPIES OF DOCUMENTS SUBMITTED MUST BE LEGIBLE **Failure to attach the required documents will cause you to be screened out. Documents received in person, via email or fax, and/or after the deadline will not be considered.
Menifee Union School District provides equal opportunity in employment without regard to race, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, physical handicap, medical condition, sexual orientation, marital status, age, gender expression, gender identity, and gender in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and Menifee Union School District policy. A physical examination and drug screen may be required of all finalists before employment.