EXTENDED SCHOOL YEAR - SPECIAL EDUCATION CLASSIFIED STAFF #1558024 at Sutter County Superintendent of Schools
Job Summary
Job Summary
Staff Orientation – Zoom: June 9, 2022 from 8:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Once the orientation is done, you will be released to work in your classroom until 12:30 p.m.
Requirements / Qualifications
• Must have completed one of the following at the time of hiring: an associate’s degree (or higher); or, 48 semester units of higher education; or, passing score on the paraprofessional exam (exam administered at our office – see receptionist for details) • Must show proof of current negative tuberculosis (TB) test
Requirements / Qualifications
• Must have completed one of the following at the time of hiring: an associate’s degree (or higher); or, 48 semester units of higher education; or, passing score on the paraprofessional exam (exam administered at our office – see receptionist for details) • Must show proof of current negative tuberculosis (TB) test