Calvary Chapel Schools
Calvary Chapel Schools was established to meet the educational, social, and spiritual needs of the children of Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa, pastored by Pastor Brian Brodersen and Pastor Char Brodersen. CCS is a ministry of CCCM, building up Christian leaders in mind, body, and soul through Biblical truth, character development, and strong academic pursuits, enabling students to serve and enjoy Christ and their community. Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa (CCCM) is a Jesus Formed Community on Mission. Community, Formation and Mission are the three main ways that we believe we are to live out our discipleship to Jesus. Through Gospel teaching, training, and resources, Gods people are enabled to take their discipleship into their own hands by living out the listening, serving and helping posture of Jesus in our church community. CCCM will be engaging in the mission of God to reach those who are far from God and his kingdom by engaging in spiritual formation, practicing the way of Jesus through the spiritual disciplines in community and putting the life of Jesus and the community of the spirit on display through non-threatening exposures to the Jesus community. Formation + Community = Mission The ministry began with the church located in Costa Mesa, CA and has flourished and expanded into a multifaceted ministry, which includes Christian Schools, a Bible College, a School of Worship, Christian Radio Stations, Christian radio programs, Christian book distribution, and Christian bookstores. We are committed to Gods continued work through the ministry at CCCM.
Calvary Chapel Schools, SANTA ANA
Deadline: Until Filled
Half day $62 / Full Day $124 Daily
Calvary Chapel Schools, SANTA ANA
Deadline: Until Filled
$16.50 Hourly Daily
Calvary Chapel Schools, SANTA ANA
Deadline: Until Filled
43,000 - 55,000 Annually
Calvary Chapel Schools, SANTA ANA
Deadline: Until Filled
Calvary Chapel Schools, SANTA ANA
Deadline: Until Filled
$1,500.00 - $4,000.00 Salary Stipend
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